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Feature: Interview: Timdogg

Hello TimDogg,

How are you doing today?


Hi Killad, I am doing alright today!


It's been a while since our last interview. Thanks again for taking the time out of your day to do this interview with me.


No problem, I am pleased to spend some time with you and your, no doubt, intriguing questions!


I hope all is going well with you here in

Well, we might as well go ahead and get on with the questions.

1) How has being a moderator of the forums changed your views on the TW community?


I am not just a moderator on the forums, although it is part of my responsibilities to check them out every now and then. The TW Community is, in my opinion, like a lot of other gaming communities. I have been active in CounterStrike:Source which was a horrible community, but also in Vietcong, which was great. Tribalwars has a significant difference though. The game is ongoing all the time. It doesn't sleep. Due to that it is possible for certain key figures to stand out from the crowd. That is what makes this game more interesting. (No offense to all the mediocre and new players!)


2) Does the "TimDogg's Hate Club" affect your ability to moderate the forums?


Haha, no it was actually my idea to organize something like that. I was jealous of Angwidd's Fan Club so I decided we needed a hate club as well. It is all in good spirit anyway.


3) What worlds do you play on if any?


I only play W10 at the moment and am pleased with that! (I love the double speed/old world settings)


4) I'm sure a lot of people wonder, where did you name come from?


TimDogg is the name of some obscure rapper from the States who had some hit during the early 90s. I played basketball a lot then and my teammates decided that I was able to play like a mean dog. My real name is Tim and then this hit came by (I forgot what it is called already) I have had this nickname since then in real life, it stuck and I like it, so I won't change it in a hurry. Besides, it is pretty unique, so it is easy to use on forums, IRC etc.


5) Do you believe you're pretty well liked within the TW community?


Hmmm, I don't really care to be honest. I like being liked by the people I respect most. When hoodoo tells me I did a good job that makes me happy. When some kid gets banned because he has 10 accounts and tells me I am an idiot, I ignore it.


6) What is your reaction to the amount of hate going on within the TW forums?


I have seen some really sick things. Fortunately they go away after some time, but I do sometimes wonder if people are too comfortable hiding behind their screen name. People have feelings online as well.


7) Do you believe the TW Community will ever accept any Moderator?


Yes, I thoroughly believe that most moderators are accepted already. The handful that cause problems for us are well known and handsomely ignored.


8) As a Moderator, do you think that the game poses a threat to the Human Race?


Ha ha! Yes of course it does. Have you ever had an army of 4 spearmen and a swordfighter enter your house? (Mind children, don't attack with defensive units!)


9) Where are you from and what type of things do you like to do in your spare time?


I recently moved from Groningen in the Netherlands to Sheffield in the UK, that has been a pretty hectic time and I was out of the game for a few months. I will shortly head back to the benches of University as I will do the Master in Information Management here. I am really looking forward to that and hope to get a good job after that. Other freetime activities include cooking, drinking, art and the occasional shopping-session (To buy art, drinks or food ;) ). Oh and I keep a new and improved weblog as well these days!


Well TimDogg, I am very excited that I had this time to interview you again. I hope the TW community is as happy as I am about the interview.

Thanks again!


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2024-06-02 07:01:12 BST

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