Tribal Wars Stats

News: Happy new year, Visitor stats for December 2007
First of all, happy new year to all TW Stats visitors! We hope you enjoyed the festive holidays.

Here are the visitor stats for TW Stats in December for all those who are interested. You can view November's stats here.

471,302 total visits (267,338 last month)
132,175 unique visitors (76,543 last month)
3,546,865 pageviews (2,474,718 last month)

As you can see TW Stats has greatly increased its traffic from last month!

Browsers (top5):

Internet Explorer - 251,523 visits - 51.69%
Firefox - 196,773 visits - 41.75%
Opera - 13,459 visits - 2.86%
Safari - 6,594 visits - 1.40%
Mozilla - 1,594 visits - 0.34%

This shows that while a large amount of users use Firefox, Internet Explorer still has the lead for casual web game players. The percentage of visits from IE has also increased by around 2% from last month.

Operating systems (top3):

Windows - 452,806 visits - 96.08%
Macintosh - 12,182 - 2.58%
Linux - 5,213 - 1.11%

On a side note, we had 244 visits from people using the Nintendo Wii, whilst only having 131 visits from people using the Playstation 3 (no surprise there).

Misc stats:

9.63% of all traffic was direct (users typing the address in themselves).
87.84% of all traffic was referred (clicking on a link from another website).
2.53% of all traffic came from search engines.
8,693 visits came from
World 12 was the most used section.
World 10 was the second most used section.
From December 12th signature images were viewed 1,356,283 times

- Morthy

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2024-06-07 10:19:58 BST

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