Tribal Wars Stats

News: Recruiting new staff!
TW Stats is looking to expand its community team with some more content writers and testers.

Note: The TW Stats team is NOT the same as the Tribalwars team.

For detailed information on what is involved please see below.

If you'd like to apply, send an email to with your name, age, location, Tribalwars experience and why you think you would make a good addition to our team.

If you'd like to find out more info or chat regarding TW Stats before applying, you can add Morthy on this MSN address:

Content writer

Content writers are responsible for writing fresh, new content for the TW Stats portal website. Your material would be posted live on one of the most visited TW websites.

We're looking for the following features to be written:

For interviews you would be responsible for choosing and interviewing well known (or not so well known) figures in the Tribalwars community.

To apply you must have a good knowledge of the English language.


Testers are responsible for testing the newest tools and content before they are released on to the live website. You would need to be able to suggest new ideas, and provide constructive criticism on new features, while making sure that there are no bugs in the website.

To apply you must be able to be contacted via eMail or MSN.

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2024-06-07 07:33:53 BST

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