Tribal Wars Stats

News: Visitor stats for October 2007
Here are the visitor stats for TW Stats in October for all those who are interested:

150,405 total visits (108,493 last month)
42,920 unique visitors (51,499 last month)
1,570,291 pageviews (1,050,681 last month)

The interesting thing about the above statistics is that while the site received more visits and more page views, it received slightly less visitors than last month. We believe that this was due to the advertising mails sent to Tribalwars game worlds last month.

Browsers (top5):

Internet Explorer - 73,561 visits - 48.91%
Firefox - 69,143 visits - 45.97%
Opera - 5,107 visits - 3.40%
Safari - 1,523 visits - 1.01%
Mozilla - 372 visits - 0.25%

This shows that while a large amount of users use Firefox, Internet Explorer still has the lead for casual web game players.

Operating systems (top3):

Windows - 144,101 visits - 95.81%
Macintosh - 3,789 - 2.52%
Linux - 1,988 - 1.32%

On a side note, we had 62 visits from people using the Nintendo Wii, and 16 visits from people using the Playstation 3.

Misc stats:

22.08% of all traffic was direct (user’s typing the address in themselves).
73.89% of all traffic was referred (clicking on a link from another website).
4.03% of all traffic came from search engines.
2.46% of all traffic came from
World 10 was the most used section.
World 8 was the second most used section.
The country with the most visitors was USA.
The state with the most visitors was California.
The town/city in California with the most visitors was Irvine.

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2024-06-07 08:05:46 BST

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